About Us

We are your external marketing department!

We support micro to medium-sized companies in their development, strategy and promotion in order to achieve their objectives.

We work in partnership based on a symbiotic relationship, in which both parties are necessary for its growth.

Who we work with

Are you thinking about opening your business? There is an opportunity to grow but you don't know how? Or are you struggling and need a new perspective?

I want to be an entrepreneur but I don't know where to start: we start one step at a time! We will be by your side until the launch of your product/service.

I have my own company but I want to grow: we will set up a strategy to find opportunities in the existing market or expand into new ones.

I have business for some time but I am experiencing difficulties: we apply the holistic method! We will analyze each area to understand where we can improve.



At Digiteca we approach each problem holistically.

That means, sometimes we think that a certain problem could be affecting the business, when in reality there are other factors that could be influencing its performance. We don't talk about macroeconomic factors likePolitical, Economic, Social... but internal factors that have a more direct impact on your day-to-day management (considering that macro factors are favorable).

When starting a project with you, we will reviewseveral points until you find the connection that leads to the root of your problem.Most of the time the problem lies in the set of parts and how they interconnect, rather than just one part. This is our vision.

Digiteca DNA

Relationships are built ontrust. We believe thatthis is acquired by the honesty and transparency of each being.

When it exists, there is room for collaboration and a sense of community. United we are stronger.

Communication is key.

Holistic Marketing is based on 5 categories:

  • Relational Marketing
  • Internal Marketing
  • Integrated Marketing
  • Social Marketing
  • Performance Marketing


years of experience






